This is part 1 of creating an OAuth based API with rails. Part 2 is available here.
Recently I had the need to create an Oauth2 authenticated API. The following is an app in its most simple form to get you started with creating and testing an Oauth2 powered API, using oauth-plugin, devise and rspec.
The source for both the provider and the consumer are available here
I have created screencasts to go along with this tutorial. This is my first attempt at screencasting, so please drop me a message if you find them useful or if there is anything you think can be improved. Your feedback is appreciated.
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Creating The Provider
Start by opening up your terminal. For demonstration purposes I recommend creating a folder called oauth to put both the provider and consumer.
mkdir oauth && cd oauth
rails new provider
cd provider
The next step is to add the oauth-plugin gem to your Gemfile. For this demo I will also be using devise for authentication. If you wish to use RSpec as your testing framework, now would be the time to add it.
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You should run bundle install to install the oauth-plugin (and rspec.)
If you are using rspec then run:
rails g rspec:install
If you are using devise then you should create your devise install and user.
rails generate devise:install
rails generate devise User
Then create the oauth provider (Note I am using rspec)
rails g oauth_provider --test-framework=rspec
And migrate the database
rake db:migrate
Might as well do the test database here too
rake db:test:prepare
This will generate some files, there are a few changes required for everything to work. The first is to delete the file spec/controllers/oauth_clients_controller_spec.rb as mentioned in this commit. You should also remove /spec/models/oauth_token_spec.rb as we are dealing exclusively with oauth2. The second change is in your config/routes.rb file, add:
You will also need to add the following methods to your app/controllers/application_controller.rb to make things work as the oauth-plugin gem required a current_user= method.
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You need to add the following to your user model:
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You need to add the following attr_accessor to app/models/oauth_token.rb
The following alias to app/controllers/oauth_controller.rb and app/controllers/oauth_clients_controller.rb
And finally add the following to config/application.rb
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For the purposes of this test, we will use fixtures, I recommend using factories for real testing. Grab the 4 fixtures files out of spec/fixtures (I got them from the oauth-plugin but they were not included in the generator)
After these files are included, you can run rspec to test what we have so far.
bundle exec rspec spec
There should be 23 examples, all passing.
You should now create a basic rspec test for what will be your API call. Grab my one out of spec/api/v1/data_controller_spec.rb Also copy the file support/api_helper.rb
When you run rspec on this, it should error, you now need to create your API controller. Since in this example all the API calls will require a valid oauth token, let’s create a base controller and then our data controller.
rails g controller API::V1::Base
rails g controller API::V1::Data
Change the DataController so it extends API::V1::BaseController
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Now create the routes, add the following to your config/routes.rb file
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You will need a show action in your data controller (app/controllers/api/v1/data_controller.rb)
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You will also need to specify the formats that your controllers responds to in your base controller (app/controllers/api/v1/base_controller.rb)
You should also specify which methods require oauth, since it is all in this case, also add the following to your base controllers (the interactive flag is the equivalant of oauth_or_login_required, we want oauth only so we disable it.
If we run our test specs again now, they should pass and there you have it, the beginnings of an Oauth2 API.
Stay tuned for part 2, The Consumer.